Wednesday, September 12, 2018

I will personally check and edit the documents like I would do at work. + See More

I will personally check and edit the documents like I would do at work. + See More


I still many foreign friends with whom I speak English on a daily basis.
At work, I proofread books to be released. I'm picky, for a good cause.
I will not be using a translation or proofreading software, all my work is done manually. I will not accept texts that have previously been translated to English (from another language) using a translation software.

Please send me a message if you wish to translate texts longer than 600 words.
Merci de m'envoyer un message si vous souhaitez traduire des textes de plus de 600 mots.
1 gig = 1 to 200 words/entre 1 et 200 mots

Je discute quotidiennement en anglais avec des amis étrangers.
Dans le cadre de mon travail, je gère la relecture de livres à paraître. Je vais loin dans mes corrections, mais pour la bonne cause.
Je n'utilise pas de logiciel de traduction ou de relecture, tous mes travaux sont effectués personnellement. Je n'accepte pas de texte ayant été traduits d'une langue étrangère à l'anglais grâce à un logiciel de traduction.


alnas0290:Great seller. Mel was very patient and had a brilliant communication. Highly recommended.

meluseene:Thank you for trusting me with this project! I’ll be looking forward to working with you again!

virginiefruh:Mel' delivered earlier than expected, she is very professional and attentive to detail. I would consider her an asset to any of your translation needs.

meluseene:Thank you for trusting me with this!!!

bfassurances:Excellent and fast work. Good job Mel. We will definitely keep working together.

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