Wednesday, August 29, 2018

I will do perfect translation from english to russian in 24 hours

I will do perfect translation from english to russian in 24 hours


I will do some translate and proofreading from English to Russian. I`d like to provide a perfect Russian grammar for your documents, books, articles or text. Your text will be adapted for russian speakers. I`ll do it very fast and with an excellent quality. 




milesjiang:We don't really satisfied with seller's work and asked her to optimize. Answer:1. I'm russian speaker, I know Russian much more better than you( If not, why we come to you?) 2. Tell me what this text is about( After finishing the translation, how can you ask like that?). We really appreciate your work and effort, but god NO, NO cooperation anymore.

annazubritskaya:She doesn`t well speak Russian and told me how write and speak in Russian correctly. I asked the buyer what subject exactly I should translate about (because I wanted to make my translation more accurate), but she didn`t answer me. I so sorry about seller who will work with this buyer in the future.

seohit:Excellent work done, I will order again for sure, thanks!

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