Saturday, January 11, 2020

Transcreate Your Marketing Copy From English To German


Make it sound as if it was originally written with your German target group in mind!

You've created your marketing copy carefully and thoughtfully. Now you want it to do it's magic on your German target group, too! As a marketing pro you are aware that the mere translation however, might lack the spark or - even worse - doesn't connect and engage you with your crowd.

As a multi-lingual copywriter for the past 7 years and a German native living in a multi-cultural environment in the Southern Caribbean for about 10 years now, I am specialized in the art of transcreating. The intent, the style, tone and context of your copy will always remain the same, but carefully adjusted to your German speaking target group, evoking the same emotions and carrying the same implications. 

I'll give your quality product a German voice, that your target audience wants to listen to!



EN to DE translation was well done. Not mechanical which a good marketing text should be. We are most satisfied with the result.

: : : :

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