Sunday, July 29, 2018

I will provide professional english and chinese translation

I will provide professional english and chinese translation


My services provide Chinese <-> English translation. You can choose either a Chinese to English translation (500 characters), or a English to Chinese translation (500 words). It will be a professional and accurate translation, in consideration of minimising any meaning loss in translation. The submitted request can be in any style or format (article, essay, speech) and in any subject topic (politics, science, culture). The level of language is not a problem, however the Chinese translation would only be in Simplified Chinese and not Traditional Chinese.

我提供专业与表准的中文<->英文翻衣服务(500 字)。你能选择中文翻译成英文,或者英文翻译成中文。我会接受任何文体和版式(文章,作文,演讲),与任何科题(政治,科学,文化)。语言的难度不是个问题,但是我的中文翻译只是简体字而不是繁体字。







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