Saturday, April 11, 2020

Be A Japanese Assistant Online


Services includes but not limited to:

✔︎Attending your Japanese clients

✔︎Communicating with your Japanese clients

✔︎Calling `Japanese companies or Japanese in Netherlands

✔︎Booking tickets, hotels, events, restaurants, etc.

✔︎Translating non-commercial, short articles/messages from English to Japanese, and vise versa (i.e., emails, manuals, procedures, etc.)

✔︎Sending emails in Japanese 

✔︎Purchasing products in Netherlands and shipping them to your address (You will have to shoulder the shipping fee and the cost of the product itself)

✔︎Internet search

✔︎Data entry



This was complex work. Well done. Thanks


Thanks- great experience!


Outstanding work


outstanding work !


Outstanding work !

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