Saturday, December 28, 2019

Translate Polish To English Or English To Polish In 24 Hours


Hi there! Wondering if I am capable of providing the BEST Polish - English translation? 

Here are some FACTS about me:

  1.  I own a Degree in English Philology, Certified in Translation and Interpretation
  2.  Have translated over 700,000 words in the span of last 4 years —that's approximately 500 words/day!

Guaranteed Assurance

  1.   Manual Translation
  2.   Quality translation, based on standards of professional translation
  3.   Documents under 200 words could be delivered in 4 hours if you REQUESTED for it before placing an order —Free of charge

Documents I translate

  ✅ Website & Apps Localisation — CSV/XML/HTML/PHP

  ✅ Blogs & Articles

  ✅ Books —FREE sample upon consultation

  ✅ Legal and Medical Report

  ✅ Birth or Marriage Certificate

  ✅ Marketing & Advertisements

  ✅ Letters/Transcripts

  ✅ Agreements & Contracts

  ✅ Games/Software User Interface

Got something else you'd like to translate? 

No problem, shoot me a message and we'll talk about it! :)



Great job!


Nice to work with Milena: a very responsible and polite girl.


Great job!


Once again, great job!


Great proofread with comments and corrections. Very happy. Would order again.

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