Monday, August 27, 2018

I will manually and accurately translate up to 3500 words from English to Italian or vice versa!

I will manually and accurately translate up to 3500 words from English to Italian or vice versa!


I'll offer a fast, reliable and professional translation from English to Italian or from Italian to English, being careful to respect the overall text structure and purpose.
I can translate many different text kinds:

  • Emails
  • Amazon listings
  • Apps
  • Websites
  • Academic Papers (Biology, Chemistry, Medicine)
  • ... And more!

I also have some knowledge of programming (html, php, ...) and that helps out a lot when it comes to translating websites or apps without ruining a single line of code.

If you have any kind of problem or question (e.g. you're attending to language classes) I also may help to explain some rules for you and help you out to improve your Italian skills. For any question or personalized gig don't hesitate to contact me directly.

Don't worry about extras prices, we can work everything out depending on the amount of work I currently have - e.g. you may get EXTRA FAST DELIVERY for FREE!

I DO NOT USE AUTOMATIC TRANSLATORS - Everything comes out directly from my brain with just a little help from a dictionary from time to time (:


russflex:Fast and Accurate. Thanks.

katelinnik:translation is executed perfectly)) Thanks

llorwin:Outstanding Experience!

atreidesimper:Fantastic. Not only did the Seller communicate promptly, he also corrected the mistakes I made AND researched my particular area of commerce to ensure that the document was perfect.

llorwin:Outstanding Experience!

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