Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Translate Latin And Greek


Are you a grad student or budding scholar in a humanities field--English, comp lit, history, philosophy, religion, archaeology--doing research for a paper or article? Do you keep running into references to Latin and Greek authors? I bet you do. As a classicist, I know that one of the most common mistakes made by scholars in these fields is a cursory reading of relevant Greek and Latin sources. Before you hinge your entire thesis on what Cicero says, make sure you really know what he said! Bad translations can RUIN entire arguments! 

I can save you from making horrible and avoidable mistakes in your research by:

  • translating passages from Greek and Latin authors
  • tracking down ancient sources to ensure proper textual citations
  • checking your personal translations for accuracy
  • offering further source material to aid in your research

I'm a 6th year PhD student in classics at the University of Virginia, and I've been studying Latin and Greek for 12 years. My dissertation work is on Greek and Latin linguistics, and I am highly attuned to issues of semantics, pragmatics, context, and style. 

Contact me before submitting an order to discuss your research more specifically.



excellent, many thanks!


WOW!!!! I just need a short phrase translated. I thought I would get exactly that, a simple translation. But no! He gave me SO MUCH MORE!!! Instances where my phrase appears in classic lit. Options. Variations. I totally did not expect this much work and detail. Amazing. Highly reccomend.

: : :

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